Saturday, June 12, 2010

Let's Nuzlocke Pokemon Emerald Part 3: Devious Plots and Bumbling Businessmen

Heya all, back again for Part 3 already. In the last part, we were about to enter Petalburg Woods and get a new ally. We were also heading to Rustboro City to go defeat the first Gym Leader.

Before we do that,

Here's the current team. Everyone's grinded up to a comfortable level for now, so its time to add to our team.

And here's the first area of grass.. let's go see what we get!

Oh wow.. a Slakoth. Do want. This thing has some potential.. Slaking can do some major damage. I'm totally going to catch this.

And of course I have to make another Phoenix Wright reference. Two minutes after this, I realized that "Gumshoe" was a female. Heh.. um.. oops? Welcome to the team, genderly confused Gumshoe.

Oh hey its Team Rocke..t? wait.. Team Aqua? What? And I thought Rocket was a silly criminal gang name. Anyway, they're apparently merciless, so its time to fight.. Pokemon style of course.

This match was terrifying. Poochyena used Howl about six times and Rafael was being very slow in defeating him. So I switched in Ergo and luckily the fool kept Howling. Lucky me.

Stupid Aqua Grunt was supposed to be easy.

Hmm, them grunts aren't too clever. Thanks for revealing your evil team's devious doings. Oh, and it happens to be in the city i'm heading to. Coincidence or just foreshadowing?

Yay, more balls. And these are Great.

Close call with a Bug Catcher. Sometimes I forget Lassie is Dark-type.

No... no they don't. Unless its Heracross. Heracross is awesome. (Is using Heracross in HeartGold at the moment :D)

But.. I want to go over there.. darn HM requirements.

And we've made it out of the woods. All right!

Right. Thanks for sharing.
TMI guy gives a TM and makes Rafael quite happy. That'll come in handy soon enough.

Yay for hidden Super Potions!

Yes, now we can tend to plants! Oh wait, the clock isn't working for me, so i'm stuck in time. Sooo no berries. Noooooo.. oh wait, I don't care :D

Another rich person? Don't tell me..

Oh come on...

Can't you afford a better Pokemon? Besides, my Zigzagoon hate pwns all Zigzagoons. You deserve it.

First double battle. Ergo and Gumshoe got this.

Oh really? And I'm the future Pokemon Champion of Hoenn. Oh wait.. I am :D

And we've finally made it to Rustboro! City exploration time!

Alright, we got Cut now.. but only Gumshoe can learn it. Lucky we got him.. er.. her. However, I'm sure I want to have her forced to him that move till way later in the game, so I'll wait to see if I catch anything else that can use it first. We need the first Badge for it to work anyway.

This speaks for itself. Alrighty then. On a side note, I find the "old woman" sprite to look really really weird in this game.
This guy again... still no idea what his purpose is..

Quick Claw get! Now let's equip it to Gumshoe. Why? I have no idea. It activates with such a low rate that it doesn't even matter anyway.

Finally, its Gym time. Let's go take out those pesky warm-up trainers. A rock gym is easy pickings for Rafael after all.
And he learns Nature Power as well. This won't help us for the gym, since the move essentially uses a different move depending on the terrain. Gyms give us Swift, which is useless here. In other areas, we'll get moves like Shadow Ball and Earthquake though, so its a definite keep for now. Bye bye Growl.

And its Gym Leader time! Will we be able to get our first badge? Will any of our Pokemon be lost in the process? And what plans do Team Aqua have with this city? Find out next time on Let's Nuzlocke Pokemon Emerald!

-Part 3 End

Thanks for reading :D

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