Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let's Nuzlocke Pokemon Emerald Part 5: Set Arm Thrusts to Stun

Hey everyone. Don't worry, this project isn't dead. Just with work and recording the other LP's for the week, i've been busy. Hopefully i'll post another episode of this on Friday as well, which will be nice and big and will hope catch me up to where I am in-game. Anyway, on to this part.

When we last left off, May had challenged us to a voluntary rival battle. Hopefully I won't regret accpeting it.

Wingull getting Critical scares Lucy a bit. However..

She got this. Unfortunately, this makes using her against Treecko too risky due to a couple Wingull growls earlier. Not the best start..

So let's switch to...

Ergo. I had assumed Mud Slap would do well, but I underestimated how much damage Absorb does. Rather stupid of me to try that.

Gumshoe luckily has no such problems.

Well, you didn't embarass yourself as badly this time May, but you've got a long way to go. *sigh* stupid third gen rival is such a let-down.

This totally makes teaching Gumshoe Cut worth it. Rafael shall be quite a force now.

And Lassie learns Bite. Looks like the team is getting better and better! What could possibly be next?

Heck yes! Ergo is now awesomeness.

Oh Pokemon.. where old men wanting to travel with ten-year old boys they just met is perfectly okay. Nevertheless, its convenient, so we'll take it!


Huh? How did Dad get our phone number already?

Ah well, at least this game has watchful and responsible parents.. er.. one of them.. kinda.. maybe..

Welcome to Dewford!
Hmmm giving a run-down fishing rod to a ten-year-old kid. Not creepy at all.

You kids and your weird trends.

Oh hey its the gym.. but its a fighting gym.. and only Ergo, Rafael, and Lucy would have a chance in there. Not to mention they are underleveled for it. Let's not go there yet..

Yay fishing!
To the box with you Magikarp! Yea.. i have enough Water types already.

Oh Fishermen and their Magikarp love.. anyway, on to the Dewford Cave

We apparently need Flash to be able to see in this cave.. but we need to go to the gym to be able to use it... right, i'll just go in the dark. Besides..

Rafael is the only one who can use it.. and I'm not wasting it on him.

Anyway, a new area means a new teammate. Let's go!

Makuhita! Nice.. I could use a Fighting Type and he'll be able to help with the next gym a little.

Luckily we have those Great Balls to help us out. He was refusing to stay in.

Another Impish? Really? Ah well, welcome to the team Picard... and yes that's a refernce to Star Trek. The yellow reminded me of the uniform and I wanted to name a Pokemon after him eventually just for the bad-assery.. is that a word?

Gah, looks like we'll have to suffer in the dark for a bit.. this is going to be a huge pain..

Holy crap that was close! Darn Zubat's and their Supersonics and super effective Leech Life .<

Picard is already a wonderful addition to the team. This move is a bit risky as it goes last, but its strong.. he'll make good use of it.
Many annoying moments later..

Steven has been found. Mission accomplished!

And a great TM as well.. this'll be going right on Lucy. No more fearing Geodudes!
This Pokenav thing better not be as annoying as the calling was in HeartGold..

Hehehe.. so good.

After some grinding, its gym time! I didn't bother with Gumshoe or Lassie though.. with a fighting weakness, they won't be useful anyway.

Oh, just what I wanted.. more darkness. You have to beat trainers to be able to see. Speaking of which...

The trainers here are a bit... intense?

Not intense enough to worry Lucy though. She'll do wonders in this gym I hope.

Ambush double battle! Totally was caught off-guard here. Not that it was a problem

Lucy is making this look easier and easier.

All right then. Its time to face Brawly! Will we succeed in getting our second badge? What other adventures await our hero?
Find out next time.
And next time.. someone.. will.. fall!

-Part 5 end

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